Monday, February 13, 2017

Chapter 22 - Strategies for Change

Strategies for Change


“There is no stronger prescription to changing your life, than changing your life. “

1.     Gather information.  Understand what disordered eating is and what normal eating looks like to give the coach a place to start.  One example.

a.      I went to see a nutritionist, and they told me what I thought I already knew.  However if I was this fat, I wasn’t very smart at all.  I came as a beginner and began my basic training.

2.     Increase awareness.  Make eating less automatic by pinpointing what you eat, how much, when, what triggers the overeating and what foods are involved. 

a.      I started a food/mood journal and tried to be honest about my overeating.  Also I began to see my behavior as information to use, rather than be ashamed of.

3.     Know the motivation.  Why is change necessary?  Find opportunities to deepen and strengthen motivation.

a.      I wanted to manage my lymphedema.  I wanted to have a good life.

4.     Change habits.  In order to be successful it is often necessary to focus on one habit or even one small part of a habit.          

a.      At first I thought that my tiny efforts would amount to nothing.  What I realized is that a tiny step is a huge improvement over doing nothing.

5.     Increase trust and confidence.  Keep the promises or return to the ‘coach’ and develop a better approach.

a.      Slow and steady kept me from being overwhelmed.

b.     I made my goals small, simple and achievable.

c.     I acknowledged successes and abilities from other areas of my life.

6.     Replace myths and misinformation.  Don’t let false ideas prevail.         

a.      As a dieter, I had all sorts of ideas that were misleading.  I thought if I ate only a little, I was good.  If I overate I was bad and out of control.  The truth is what I eat has nothing to do with my self-worth.

7.     Recognize the emotional hunger.  Take care of emotional needs without using food.

a.      Let go of guilt about food consumption.

b.     Replace negative thinking and stressed over-thinking.

8.     Commit to health.

a.      I knew my motivation to lose weight began with lymphedema but these issues controlled would change the rest of my life.

9.     Take action.  Refer to Chapter 5 for Action Plan information.

a.      Implement an action plan, assess the results, then modify as needed or repeat the successes. 

b.     Learn from all situations.

Continue.  Repeat.  Persevere.


My reminders to myself –

I am a person who is looking after my health.

I am willing to make healthy choices.

I am willing to change my behavior, attitudes and actions so that I can support a healthy life.

I will proceed towards my goal, today, even if it is the tiniest step.

This matters.  It’s about being FOR someone that matters.  Me. 

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